Wesleyan Assurance Society
Actuarial Experience
Below is a summary of the main areas of work on this assignment:
- Completed surrender value reviews for many products
- Completed target ranges work and built in automated checker
- Setup calculation spreadsheet to calculate fair payout ratio (benefit/asset shares) for paid up policies
- Investigated various methods for setting bonuses where data sparse
- Annual bonus rate and Final bonus rate declarations
- Calculation of CWP Pension Transfer Values
- Management of junior colleagues
- Investigated methods of smoothing to be applied to our shadow fund
- Aim is for the shadow fund to follow the With-Profit assets as closely as possible
- Volatile markets of particular interest
- Monthly financial reporting – EV, APV, NBS
- Monthly Financial performance (New Business and Existing Business Performance Figures)
- Wrote year-end valuation manual
- Year-end valuation: Solvency 1 and Solvency II
- NP and WP
- DFA – guarantee costs
- Stochastic results
- Creation of ESG files using Barrie and Hibbert
- Report writing
- Mid-year and quarterly valuations
- Valuation assumption setting
- Capital plan (projections)
- Monthly capital solvency monitor
- Prophet modelling of valuation and economic basis for capital reporting and bonus setting, including NP and WP business
- Prophet version upgrades
- Modelling testing, coding review
- Prophet model development
- Code review
- Independent results testing build of independent excel models
- Implement coding updates, version control and back testing
- Back testing for bonus reporting asset shares, and valuation reporting; BEL.
- Attended Prophet advance training course
- Programmed in Excel Visual Basic a complete unit pricing system, complete with calculation engine and user interface.
- Managed daily unit pricing, annual deemed disposals, box calculations, liquidations
- Unit pricing system moved to an off the shelf system; system selection; detailed discussions; negotiations of fees; risk controls analysis; move to ICON and testing; change of BAU procedures and documentation.
- Understanding process overview, identifying existing issues, process flow charts, identifying blockers, planning actions, managing development and delivery, support BAU integration
- Examples; unit pricing and investment system daily integration to policy systems
- Complete experience analysis included lapse, surrender, pups and mortality
- Upgraded experience analysis calculations to use Microsoft Access
- Upgraded Paradox scripts in Microsoft Access
- Trained other team members in unit pricing, experience analysis and valuation processes
- MSS Credit Balance documentation
- Reassurance premium calculation
Experience: With Profits, Reporting, Prophet